How it was born and why is the Day of the Neighbor celebrated in Argentina

How it was born and why is the Day of the Neighbor celebrated in Argentina

Every June 11 , the Day of the Neighbor takes place on the Argentine calendar ; a date dedicated to those people who live near us. The intention of this anniversary is precisely to highlight the role and importance of the neighbors and the joint work with the neighborhood organizations and the State.

On this date, we also want to promote the good neighbor culture by spreading the values of a good coexistence. These are respect, collaboration and tolerance. Being a good neighbor is important because no one knows if one day you will need your neighbor's hand.

Below we will tell you how it was born and why the Day of the Neighbor is celebrated in Argentina.

Origin of Neighbor's Day in Argentina

The Day of the Neighbor was born in the year of 1959 established by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires . Although the date was a local celebration, from that same year it had a national scope, being commemorated throughout the country.

The idea for this event is by Romeo Raffo Bontá, who promoted the creation and celebration of Neighbor's Day from the Villa del Parque Neighborhood Association to evoke the anniversary of the second founding of the city of Buenos Aires on June 11, 1580.

The date of the Day of the Neighbor , was instituted and formally added to the Argentine calendar in 1990 by decree of the City with the name of the Day of the Participative Neighbor , to highlight the work without distinction between the neighbors and the State.


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