Origin of Hairdresser's Day

Origin of Hairdresser's Day

Hairdresser's Day is a special celebration of the Argentine calendar that takes place every August 25 . This date aims to honor all those who are dedicated to exercising one of the most aesthetic professions in the world. The celebration originates from the sanctification of Louis IX in France… Do you want to know the history? Keep reading.

How was the Day of the Hairdresser born?

The origin of the Hairdresser's Day dates back to the 13th century, when the hairdresser had to be a man and who were in charge of maintaining the wigs that were later used by the nobility. During that time, hairdressers were part of the mob and served only the nobility.

Louis IX was the first to declare his hairdresser a "free man", and that automatically changed his social hierarchy and gave him a new prestige. August 25 was chosen to celebrate Hairdresser's Day because this was the date on which the Catholic Church sanctified Louis IX.

In Argentina , that day began to be celebrated in 1877 when Domingo Guillén, hairdresser and theater director, organized an event at the Coliseo Theater in which the Society of Barbers and Hairdressers was founded.

Now, we bring you 3 tips that your hairdresser wants you to know.

3 tips on Hairdresser's Day

Do not go to the hairdresser without washing your hair for a week

This is one of the things that many people do when they plan to visit the salon. Going with dirty hair and no detangling for more than a week will only slow down the whole process. It is good that some treatments that can affect your scalp and need you to have it dirty, but a few days are enough. Do not abuse.

Don't rush him

Hairdressing is an art and a trade that takes time and dedication. Don't try to speed things up. This is not only annoying but can also affect the results. For example, if they leave you the mask too long, it is for something, they are the professionals. Let them do their job, it's for your good. This means that to go to the hairdresser you must make enough time, do not leave it to the last minute.

Be careful what you ask for

If you tell them to do what they want or what they think is best for you, they will do just that, whatever they want. Each hairdresser has his vision and his opinion of what could look good on you by seeing the state of your hair and according to your style of being. So if you don't want to be surprised, be very specific with what you ask your trusted stylist.


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