This is the origin of Father's Day in Argentina

This is the origin of Father's Day in Argentina

Father's Day ; after Mother's Day, it is another of the most anticipated and important events in Argentina . A special date for families to highlight the paternal work and the life of those beings who have served as father.

Father's Day is a celebration that is celebrated in many Latin American countries and around the world. In our country it takes place every third Sunday in June , which for this 2021 falls on June 20 . Now, read on and discover the story behind this special celebration of the Argentine calendar.

Origin of Father's Day in Argentina

The origin of the Father's Day celebration in Argentina has been celebrated since the 1960s and its origin dates back to the United States with Sonora Smart Dood, daughter of Henry Jackson Smart; veteran of the civil war, who had the initiative to promote a special date to pay tribute to his father because his mother had died when she gave birth to her sixth child, so Jackson took over the family.

Thus, in the speech on Mother's Day, Sonora proposed that every June 5; date of his father's birthday, Father's Day will be celebrated with the aim of highlighting the work of dads. At first the initiative did not prosper; It took 15 years for President Calvin Coolidge to endorse this idea and encourage its celebration.

However, it was not until 1966 that President Lyndon Johnson signed a document making official the celebration of Father's Day for the third Sunday in June. Over the years, various nations such as Argentina, joined the celebration of Father's Day on this date, since at the beginning it was celebrated on August 24. Date that was chosen in honor of José de San Martín; considered the Father of the Nation.


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