What is celebrated on July 1 in Argentina

What is celebrated on July 1 in Argentina

On July 1, Argentina celebrates the Day of the Architect , the Day of the Chemical Engineer and the Day of the Historian. Do you want to know why these ephemeris are celebrated on that date? Read on and find out.

July 1 in Argentina

Architect Day

Architect's Day is celebrated on July 1 because on this date, but in 1985, the International Union of Architects was created. And although the organization moved the date to the first of October a few years later, in our country it was decided to keep the original date.

Chemical Engineer Day

On the other hand, the Day of the Chemical Engineer is celebrated on this date because on a day like this the first course taught at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of Santa Fe began; the first institution to offer this career within the country and throughout South America. Therefore, this date was set with the intention of remembering this historical event for science and education in Argentina.

Historian's Day

Finally, the origin of the Historian's Day dates back to July 1, 1812 when, through the decree of the First Triumvirate, it was established that the events that occurred during the May Revolution would be in writing. This meant the birth of historiography in the country and the perpetuation of the memory of the heroes. Finally, in 2002, the National Congress established that all the country's historians would be celebrated on this date.


Birth of the Argentine Revolution

Birth of the Argentine Revolution

May 25, 1810 is a momentous date in the history of Argentina, marking the beginning of the revolution that led to the country's independence.

2021 calendar of holidays and special dates of Argentina in October

2021 calendar of holidays and special dates of Argentina in October

In this opportunity we present all the ephemeris and special dates of the 2021 calendar of Argentina in October. Find out what is being celebrated this month.

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