What is celebrated on May 28 in Argentina

What is celebrated on May 28 in Argentina

May 28 is a special date for Argentina . On this day two ephemeris typical of the Argentine calendar take place. On the one hand, the National Ceremonial Day is celebrated and on the other hand, the Kindergarten Day is commemorated. Do you want to know what these celebrations consist of and why are they celebrated on May 28 in Argentina ? Keep reading.

Ephemeris of May 28 in Argentina

National Ceremonial Day

The National Ceremonial Day is a date dedicated to honoring all the people who dedicate themselves to this profession. It is celebrated on May 28 because on this day it is remembered the issuance of the First Protocol Regulation that came out in Argentina on May 28, 1810 . It is the "Instruction for Dispatch and Ceremonial" or "Regulation for the Exercise of the Authority of the Provisional Government Board of the Río de la Plata". The National Ceremonial Day was established by National Decree 1574/93.

Kindergarten Day

The Day of the Kindergartens and the Garden Teachers is celebrated on May 28 as a tribute to Rosario Vera Peñaloza ; educator and pedagogue who dedicated her life to teaching and founded the first kindergarten in Argentina . Rosario, was born on December 25, 1873 in Atiles, La Rioja and died on May 28, 1950 . This is the date that has been taken to commemorate Kindergarten and Teacher Kindergarten Day.


Birth of the Argentine Revolution

Birth of the Argentine Revolution

May 25, 1810 is a momentous date in the history of Argentina, marking the beginning of the revolution that led to the country's independence.

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