Why is Writer's Day celebrated in Argentina

Why is Writer's Day celebrated in Argentina

Every June 13 the Writer's Day is celebrated in Argentina; a special date that seeks to honor all those who in the past, present and future, have exercised, exercise or will exercise literary creation and writing as a profession, but above all as a form of artistic and human expression.

Now, do you know why Writer's Day is celebrated on June 13 in Argentina ? Read on and find out.

How was Writer's Day born in Argentina?

Writer's Day is celebrated on June 13 because on a day like this but in the year 1974, Leopoldo Lugones was born in Villa María del Río Seco, Córdoba, Argentina; poet, short story writer, essayist and novelist from our country. He was also a playwright, journalist, historian, educator, translator, biographer, philologist, theosophist, diplomat, and politician.

Furthermore, Leopoldo Lugones was the founder and the first president of the Sociedad Argentina de Escritores (SADE) in 1928.

He traveled through Europe and lived in Paris before the First World War began. Upon his return to Argentina, he was appointed as director of the literary supplement of La Nación and librarian of the Council of Education.

It was precisely the SADE, which declared and established June 13 as Writer's Day in Argentina after committing suicide on February 18, 1938 by drinking a glass of whiskey with cyanide.

With his stories, Lugones, became the forerunner and one of the pioneers of fantasy and science fiction literature in Argentina.


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