Why the Day of the Argentine National Anthem is celebrated on May 11

Why the Day of the Argentine National Anthem is celebrated on May 11

On May 11, a very special date is celebrated for the entire Argentine Republic: the National Anthem Day is celebrated, one of the national symbols that characterize this nation throughout the world.

Keep reading and discover how this national symbol was born and the origin of the Argentine National Anthem Day.

History of the Argentine National Anthem Day

The Day of the National Anthem of Argentina was born because on May 11, 1813 , Vicente López y Planes , presented the lyrics that were later chosen as the national song. However, the work would undergo various changes to and musical arrangements until finally adopting its current form.

However, these changes were of form and not of substance, since they always tried to preserve their essence, that is, a hymn to freedom and independence. The National Anthem , together with the Flag and the Shield, constitutes one of our main national symbols.

Although the lyrics of the Argentine National Anthem were written by Alejandro Vicente López y Planes , it was Blas Perea who composed the music for this anthem. On the other hand, Mariquita Sánchez de Thompson , was the one who sang the Anthem of Argentina for the first time and interpreted the first stanzas of said anthem.

Then, by decree of the Executive Power, on March 30, 1900, it was established that only the first, the last quatrain and the chorus of the National Anthem would be sung on official or public festivities, as well as in state colleges or schools.

Thus, the National Anthem Day is commemorated and celebrated to celebrate the birth of this national symbol.


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